Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sales demand in India of murrah buffaloes

Now a day increasind order of murrah buffalos milk is very import food for human being so milk production is challenge for Indian and solution is develop a new breed of murrah buffalo which are producing a huge amount of milk .So sales demand of Murrah buffalo for sale in India and all over world and india is best exporter for murrah buffalo .

A large number of top quality Murrah Buffaloes is exported each year out of the State, which ultimately find its way to slaughterhouses after the cessation of lactation period. This is resulting in serious depletion of this unique germ plasm. The Haryana Livestock Development Board being fully concerned of this fast depleting valuable germ plasm has introduced a comprehensive programme to preserve, conserve and improve the same. And according to sale demand of muurah buffalo harayana government is promoting the new breed generation of murrah buffalo.

This is a breed of domestic water buffalo, it is hugely found Punjab and Haryana states of India.This bull is extensively used in Italy, Bulgaria and Egypt. Murrah Buffalo is the best buffalo breed in the world. The richest source of best Murrah germplasm is in Haryana State mainly Rohtak, Bhiwani, Hisar and Jhajjar District are considered the best breeding tract of Murrah. Though triple purpose it is chiefly maintained for milk production, it is an excellent performer and it is best converter of course feeds into fat rich milk even under harsh climatic conditions.

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